Sunrise & Sunset

The chart below was originally created in 2009 and shows predicted day length, sunrise and sunset for Alness for that year. The steps in the curves represent the change from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to BST (British Summer Time) and back to GMT. For 2009, BST started 29th March and ended 25th October. The changes from GMT to BST only vary by a few days each year, so the chart can still be used during the season with confidence to estimate sunrise, sunset and civil twilight.


graph of daylight hours, river alness

Sunrise & Sunset at Alness - click to see a larger image


Located at a latitude of 57° 41' N, Alness in mid-summer is characterised by short nights and up to 18 hours of daylight. In high water conditions, salmon & grilse can be caught at all times, but in low water conditions from June through to August, for the more adventurous the very best times for salmon fishing are early morning through to about 3 hours after sunrise and in the evening from 3 hours before sunset through to civil twilight (when the sun is 6° below the horizon).

The first 3 hours after evening civil twilight from late June to early August are normally the best times for sea trout fishing on the non-tidal stretches of the River Alness.


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